Medicine, Science, Learning, Innovation and Mentorship 2024

#MSLM24 is the 2024 Medicine, Science, Learning, Innovation and Mentorship meeting, a national interdisciplinary conference hosted by the science, architecture, engineering and medical associations of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA.

(Ahmadiyya Muslim Medical Association, Ahmadi Women Scientist Association, Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists, International Association of Ahmadi Architects & Engineers)

With over 50 sessions held over three days, #MSLM24 offers a broad range of topics from cutting-edge research to career paths with the goal of connecting rising and experienced professionals in the field of science, architecture, engineering and medicine across the country to perform their work in light of the teachings of the Holy Qur’an.

Join us Aug 30th to Sep 1st in Orlando, FL at the JW Marriott Bonnet Creek.

Learn More & Register: